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Paint Tubes



T.NG Kidsではお子様の自立、自信、自発性、創造力、臨機応変に対応する力を身に付けられる環境を提供いたします。家庭の延長のように安心して子供達が幸せに育っていけるよう、しっかりとプランニングされた美しく穏やかで安全な、そして多文化的なバイリンガル教育を目指しております。








毎月のTheme Studyでは世界規模へ「視野」を広げます。

毎月のTheme Study(テーマ勉強)では世界規模へ「視野」を広げます。今の社会はすでにグローバル化しています。T.N.G Kidsでは日本だけに限らず世界中に関心を持ち、知識を探求していく手伝いをしています。グループワーク・個人学習の両方を経験しながら、子供達が持っている能力を最大限に引き出す事で、少しずつ子供たちの視野を広げていきます。

Art Class
Screenshot 2024-07-03 004912.png

14:00-15:15 Montessori Work/Homework/Snack Time

After checking in, students are given time to complete their school homework and enjoy a small snack.  Snacks (such as rice crackers and cookies) are provided by TNG Kids and are free from nuts. Parents are asked to disclose their children’s allergies on the enrollment form.

Afterward, children are encouraged to engage in individual or small-group activities, including brain games such as chess and Gravity Maze, Rubik’s cubes, paper crafts, card games, puzzles, Kapla or Lego, etc. This time also acts as an important transition period to an all-English environment. 

15:15-16:15 English Lab 

English Lab aims at increasing vocabulary and improving listening and speaking skills. Students are encouraged to acquire practical English communication skills through play activities. Our goal is for our students to cultivate a love for learning and speaking English. Why? “Because English is FUN!”

16:15-17:00 Project Time

Project types vary according to a monthly theme. They may include, but are not limited to crafts, games, science, cooking, art, nature, etc. These hands-on projects allow students to develop creative freedom and learn by engaging their senses. 

17:00-17:50 Art and Adventure Time  

The purpose is to foster basic art skills and creativity. Specific activities include drawing, crafts, sculpture, coloring, and more. Additionally, introducing famous artists and their works can provide good inspiration, allowing children to explore their styles and techniques. Children will express their ideas in English and enjoy learning.

18:00-18:20 Reading and Writing practice

Teachers help select level-appropriate reading books for each student and assign writing activities according to their respective abilities. 

18:20-19:00 Homework/Individual or Group activity

During this time, students who arrive later can complete their homework. Those who have finished their homework or do not have homework, can participate in individual or small-group activities, including brain games such as chess and Gravity Maze, Rubik’s cubes, paper crafts, card games, puzzles, Kapla or Lego, etc. This time also acts as a cool-down period before going home. 

14:00-15:15  Homework・Free work time・Snack time


スクールに登校後は、ルービックキューブ、 ペーパークラフト、レゴ、チェス、パズルなど、各自または少人数でのアクティビティの時間になります。早く到着した場合、学校の宿題をしたり先生に英語の質問をしたりすることができます。そして、英語だけの環境に切り替える時間となります。

おやつ(おせんべいやクッキーなど)はTNG Kidsからご提供させていただきます。こちらでご用意するおやつは、ナッツ類を使用していないものになります。なお、お子様に食べ物アレルギーがある場合は入会時にお知らせください。

Paint Strokes
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